Spring & Summer Drive Safe

Stephen reminds neighbours that with the warm weather comes more pedestrians and cyclists and to drive safe in our communities.

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Watch out for pedestrians, cyclists and kids at play

Stephen reminds motorists to be extra vigilante while driving to protect Ontarians, specifically children, who may be out walking, biking,…

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City plans for enhanced road safety

Councillor Stephen Blais and Mayor Jim Watson announced a new plan that, pending Council approval, will direct City resources to improve safety for all users on Ottawa roads.

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Roundabout construction about to begin

Stephen was proud to secure the $1.8 million in the 2018 budget to have the roundabout constructed this year.

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Blais secures new school crossing guards for Summerside PS

Stephen Blais is proud to announce that students of Summerside Public School will be able to get to school safer this year with the addition of a new Adult Crossing Guard.

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Orléans, Cumberland to be linked by new bike, walking paths

Joggers, cyclists, in-line skaters, dog walkers and folks out for an evening stroll will soon be able to choose it to get from Innes Road to the southern edge of Ottawa’s urban boundary without stepping foot on a busy arterial road.

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Cumberland gets major investments in pedestrian & cycling infrastructure

Orléans & Cumberland residents will benefit from nearly $5 million of investment in cycling and pedestrian infrastructure as three separate projects in Cumberland Ward are about to begin construction.

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Blais delivers on major cycling & pedestrian project

Stephen is proud to announce that a major 2014 election commitment, the Trans Orléans Cycling and Pedestrian Pathway, is in its final design stage and should be shovel ready by this fall.

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