New play structures for Fallingbrook

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Gardenway Park Renewal

Gardenway Park renewal set for groundbreaking in May

City Councillor and parks champion Stephen Blais is pleased to announce that he has secured new funds to further improve older parks and facilities across Cumberland Ward, including Gardenway Park located in Fallingbrook.

“To address the rapid growth in Orléans, new parks have largely been built south of Innes Road,” says Councillor Blais. “But now it’s time to address the aging parks in established areas of our community with modern designs.”

City Hall is investing approximately $300,000 to modernize Gardenway Park. It will include the replacement of junior and senior play equipment, which will be placed in an accessible surface of engineered wood fibre.

“Play structures have changed over the years. The options available in modern parks weren’t even conceivable when this part of Fallingbrook was built in the late 1980’s,” says Blais. “We are listening and implementing ideas from Fallingbrook residents in order to bring more fun activities for families.”

Councillor Blais hosted a public meeting in November of 2015 to present the concept design and plans to the community. It was well attended with residents providing helpful and constructive ideas. Construction will start this May and is expected to be completed in the summer. Other amenities in the park will be open during the renewal of the play structures.

“After public consultations, it was clear that the condition of the park pathway was a major issue for residents,” says Blais. “I am pleased to say that the whole pathway network will also be upgraded to ensure both structures have an accessible route.”

Residents can still check out the concept plans here.