As a member of the City of Ottawa’s Planning Committe, Councillor Blais is pleased to announce that the City has approved the rezoning of lands to accommodate the Orléans Health Hub.
“Establishing new health care facilities in the east end is a priority for our community,” says Councillor Blais. “By approving the zoning our community is one step closer to seeing the health hub become a reality.”
The Orléans Health Hub, the first of its kind in Ontario, will shift high-cost diagnostic tests and treatments out of hospitals and into a new community facility promising lower health care costs.
“Residents will be able to receive world class medical care, including cancer treatments in our community,” adds Blais.
Once the site is fully developed it is expected to bring 1,500 jobs to Orléans.
“These are the kinds of high quality, high paying jobs we are hoping to attract to Orléans,” adds Blais. “More jobs in Orléans means fewer commuters into the city and will lead to a higher quality of life for everyone.”