Cumberland Ward Councillor Stephen Blais today was awarded the “Laurier Rogers: Francophile of the Year” by ACFO.
“I would like to thank my nominees Emmanuel Morin and François Landry as this is truly a distinct honour for me”, said Councillor Stephen Blais. “I would also like to thank the sponsors who help make this a wonderful event and ACFO who is ensuring Ottawa is a vibrant and thriving City for Francophones.”
The Bernard Grandmaître Awards were created in 1999 by ACFO in honour of Bernard Grandmaître, former Minister Responsible for Francophone Affairs. Mr. Grandmaître distinguished himself by ACFO by his perseverance and dedication to the advancement and vitality of the Francophone.
“I applaud Councillor Blais’ commitment to enriching the east end for all Francophones, Francophiles and Anglophones”, said Emmanuel Morin, Orléans community resident and philanthropist. “When Councillor Blais and I speak of bilingualism, he believes that French culture and history are an enrichment to our community.”
The Bernard-Grandmaître award publicly honours, during an annual awards gala, an individual who has impacted the Francophone community of the National Capital Region by their dedication and leadership in promoting and developing the Franco-Ontarian community and highlights the professional and personal achievements of an individual along with their social dedication to the Francophonie.
“I supported Stephen because I see a strong elected official committed to the two official languages of Canada,” added François Landry, lawyer and Francophone activist. “His entire family is committed to becoming bilingual and not as a political necessity but as a core belief.”
This award is presented to Councillor Blais in recognition of his commitment and dedication towards the French language and culture, which help him play a prominent role in promoting and supporting French in the Ottawa community.