The future of HWY 174

  • Community Update

Stephen launches a petition to upload HWY 174 to the provincial government 

Stephen Blais speaking.
Stephen speaking about the need to upload HWY 174 on his first day at Queen’s Park

Stephen has been fighting for improvements to highway 174 since 2010. A generation ago, the Government of Ontario downloaded HWY 174 on to the City of Ottawa. Since that time, we have seen major improvements to the provincial HWY 417 in Ottawa’s west end – it is long overdue that Orléans receives its fair share.

I was on city council when the City requested that Ontario re-upload HWY 174, which I continue to fully support. This would allow proper provincial investment into our critical transportation artery.

“One of his early accomplishments was securing an environmental assessment for the expansion of Highway 174.”

Ottawa Citizen

I have recently launched a petition to help convince the government to fulfill the City’s request in order for our community  to benefit from provincial investments such as improving key infrastructure like HWY 174.

To sign the official petition click here. Please print and sign and return by mail to: 4473 Innes Road, unit 204, Ottawa, Ontario K4A 3J7

To sign the digital petition click here.