Stephen Blais is pleased to announce the opening of Hillside Estates Park

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Hillside Estates Park

Councillor Blais and Rebecca Dufton, President of the Cumberland Community Association, announced today that Hillside Estates Park is now open to the public.

“Residents in Cumberland Estates will be pleased with this park,” says Blais. “We maintained a natural out-door setting coupled with the right mix of activities to evoke the play and imagination of our children.”

Hillside Estates Park, located on Pierrette Drive in Cumberland Estates, was developed with a budget of $70,000. The public was consulted by way of two public meetings and it was designed with accessibility in mind for children with special mobility needs.

“We’re excited about this new park. It will be a real asset to families in our community,” said Rebecca Dufton, president of the Cumberland Community Association.

Residents will be able to enjoy:

  • Rope climber (graciously donated from a resident)
  • Swings (one accessible, one straight and 2 baby)
  • Hillside slide & slope ladder
  • Accessible paths
  • “Hiddey hole under the spruce trees
  • log balance and post climbs
  • sand pit w/boulder walk
  • Log ‘cookie’ stepping paths
  • An accessible picnic table.