Stephen advocates for Orléans school construction

  • Community Update
Stephen joins local Trustee Mark Roy and other school board leaders to discuss
the need for new schools to support our fast growing community.

Everyone in Orléans knows just how quickly our community is growing. 

If we are going to ensure our kids have the best environment in which to learn we need to build new schools to keep up. Since 2020, Stephen has successfully secured over $30 million for new school construction.

  • $12 million for a new addition to Collège Catholique Mer Bleue, which will help build 16 classrooms and accommodate 343 additional student spaces for students in grades 7-12
  • $10.7 million for a new French public elementary school
  • $10.55 million for a new French Catholic elementary school

Both elementary schools are in south Orléans and are currently awaiting municipal approvals. It is imperative the City makes these approvals quickly, so we can avoid needing to ask for more money for schools that are already funded.

The Ministry of Education has requested a list of priorities from school boards to decide on upcoming funding. Stephen has engaged with the Minister and written him about the need for new school construction to keep up.

Stephen recently met with board officials from all four boards to discuss their school needs in our community.

Ottawa Catholic School Board (OCSB)
For the Ottawa Catholic Board a new elementary school for South Orléans is third on their city wide priority list. As City Councillor, Stephen was happy to help plan for this school in Avalon West and reserve the land as part of the community design. Land is also reserved for a future High School, but the board suggests this is still some time away.

Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB)
In the past, the OCDSB has advised Stephen that their priority for school construction included the elementary school in Avalon Encore on the land kitty corner to école Notre Place. After recent meetings, the board has advised that their current priority for Orléans is a new elementary school in Bradley Estates. This project also ranks third on their city-wide priority list. While they have purchased the property in Avalon Encore, it is lower on their list of priorities to begin construction.

Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario (CEPEO)
The French public school board is in desperate need for two new high schools in Orléans and eastern Ontario. This will help reduce the over crowding at Gisèle Lalonde High School.

Their first priority is for a new high school in Rockland. This new school will help reduce the pressure on Gisèle and give these students a better experience by reducing their travel time.

Their second priority is for a new high school in south Orléans itself, also reducing pressure on Gisèle Lalonde HS. This school will be adjacent to the new elementary school which is already funded and is currently going through the various municipal and ministry design approvals.

Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est (CECCE)
Stephen is proud to have worked with the CECCE to secure investment for the new school addition currently under construction at Collège Mer Bleue and a new elementary school in south Orléans. This new elementary school is currently going through approvals for design, zoning and other municipal and ministry requirements. Given the funding was secured in 2020 and the various delays in approvals, it may be necessary to secure more funding from the province to complete the school.