Nifty Fifty

  • Community Update
Navan Nifty Fifty

Volunteers Hard at Work to Launch Drop In Program

Cumberland Ward Councillor Stephen Blais is pleased that older adults over 50 will have an additional place to go starting this fall. A group of volunteers have worked with the City of Ottawa to establish a drop-in centre on Wednesday afternoons in the upstairs hall at the Navan Arena.

“Navan is a village that knows how to get things done,” says Councillor Blais. “I am pleased that seniors from the surrounding area will have another great option to stay active in their community.”

The Drop In will start small to determine interest and will likely expand to other afternoons and mornings once new members join and additional activities are added. Nifty Fifty is run by a committee of volunteers lead by Juanita Vetter of Navan with some assistance from the City of Ottawa’s Parks and Recreation Department.

“The Navan Arena is a great community asset that provides the Nifty Fifty Plus group, a place to meet and share some time amongst friends and neighbours,” notes Mrs. Vetter. “Older adults and seniors are looking for opportunities to stay active, partake in numerous fun activities and stay connected.”

The group falls under the auspices of the Navan Community Association. A small annual registration fee will be applied and will allow members to share in activities while covering supplies and a reduced rental fee.