More money for Dump This Dump 2

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Dump This Dump

Councillor Blais introduced a motion seconded by Mayor Watson to secure another $25,000 to support Dump this Dump 2 in their efforts against the Taggart Miller proposal in Carlsbad Springs.

Whereas the City has provided $75,000 of Intervener funding to the West end community groups to assist in responding to the environmental assessment for the expansion of the Carp Landfill,

And Whereas the City approved $50,000 of Intervener funding for the East end community groups to assist in responding to the Environmental assessment for the Capital Region Resources Recovery Centre,

Therefore be it Resolved that the contribution for the east end community groups be increased by $25,000 to be funded from the One-time and Unforeseen account and that the agreement with the east end group be amended accordingly.