Stephen is happy to announce that Minto has agreed to accelerate the construction of a new roundabout at the intersection of Brian Coburn Boulevard and Gerry Lalonde/Jerome Jodoin. Approved unanimously by the Planning Committee, this $1.8 million project builds on the $750 million of infrastructure investments Stephen has secured to benefit Cumberland Ward since taking office in December 2010.
Construction is expected to begin before the end of the year.
“Never before have we seen so much investment in our community,” says Cumberland Councillor Stephen Blais. “The new roundabout at Gerry Lalonde and the other intersection modifications approved for Brian Coburn Boulevard will ensure we continue to benefit from a speedy alternative to Innes Road.”
The roundabout will be very similar to the one installed at the Brian Coburn intersection at Strasbourg / Des Aubépines.
“We’re making it easier for pedestrians to cross this busy road,” adds Blais. “At the same time, we’re improving the flow of traffic so we can spend more time with our loved ones at home and less time stressed out and frustrated sitting in traffic.”
Later this year traffic lights will also be installed at the Brian Coburn intersection with Aquaview / Lakeridge. The design work for traffic signals at Brian Coburn & Esprit is also underway. Modifications to the road will be required and this construction is currently planned for next year.
The traffic lights will eliminate the stop and go effect created by the all way stops and reduce the amount of time sitting in traffic.
“Like many in the community I use Brian Coburn daily to commute to work and travel to shopping and entertainment,” adds Blais. “It’s a reliable alternative to the gridlock we experience on Innes and we need to ensure it stays that way.”
The roundabout will allow for the free flow of vehicles when pedestrians are not present and will include enhanced landscaping.