In-Person Return to School Delayed

  • Community Update

As part of the province’s response to the Omicron variant, starting January 5students will move to remote learning for 2 weeks.

Please check with your school board for specific details on how children will be accommodated during this time.

Letter to the Premier 

Today, I have again written the Premier, asking him to use the two week shutdown of in-person learning to make improvements to safety in schools.

You can view my full letter to the Premier here

Since last summer, I have been advocating to the government for additional safety measures in our schools. These safety measures should have been implemented prior to the start of the school year in September.

These safety measures should include:

➡️ Reducing Class Sizes
➡️ Providing Free High-Quality Masks
➡️ Universal Vaccines for Students
➡️ Vaccine Mandate for Education Workers
➡️ Installing HEPA Filtrations in Every Classroom
➡️ Rapid Testing Program in Schools

Previous Letters on these issues:

June 22, 2021
July 27, 2021
December 14, 2021