Investing in better road maintenance
Cumberland City Councillor Stephen Blais and Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson unveiled the Python 5000 Pothole Patcher, the newest innovation in road repair deployed by the City of Ottawa.
“We are committed to investing in technology and exploring new techniques to tackle Ottawa’s potholes,” says Stephen Blais, Chair of the City’s Transportation Committee. “The Pothole Python will help City crews stay on top of road repairs by pouring the right amount of asphalt material at the right temperature.”
In 2019 the City has added $950,000 more for pothole repair. In total, $9 million will be spent to fill hundreds of thousands of potholes. Furthermore, the City is investing over $50 million to resurface and upgrade roads across Ottawa.
“We are investing at record levels in Ottawa roads,” adds Blais. “Road maintenance and upgrades will continue to be amongst our highest priorities.”
The Ottawa road network exceeds 5,700 kilometres of road, 2,200 kilometres of sidewalk, 230 kilometres of Transitway and Highway 174, and 16 OC Transpo park-and-ride lots.
About the Python 5000
The Python 5000 is a self-propelled pothole patching machine. It will make long-lasting patches using standard asphalt mixes, and it has the unique ability to make continuous repairs to long cracks and joints in the road. One person can easily carry out the entire patching operation without ever leaving the comfort and safety of the operator’s cab.
- Fast patching — the average hole can be patched in just two minutes
- Quality patches — hydraulic pressure-controlled roller provides quality compaction and a permanent patch that will outlast the surrounding surface
- Repairs utility cuts and long cracks in one continuous operation – channelling the asphalt into the crack and compacting it on-the-go
- Works in sub-zero temperatures or pouring rain
- Exact amount of asphalt is delivered to the exact location
- Dispenses all standard hot or cold asphalt mixes
- Keeps hot asphalt hot, and warms cold mix asphalt to the ideal temperature
- Operator stays in the cab for a safer and more comfortable working environment
- Clear visibility for driver/operator
- Travels at highway speeds to and from job site
- All functions controlled from inside the cab by a single joystick