Cumberland Ward communities participate in Cleaning the Capital
Cumberland City Councillor and environmental steward Stephen Blais joined hundreds of volunteers in Navan and Chaperal as part of the City of Ottawa’s GLAD Cleaning the Capital.
“Volunteerism is an important component to help keep a community strong and vibrant for families,” said Councillor Stephen Blais. “I would like to thank and recognize the tremendous work these volunteers did to help clean-up our community.”
GLAD Cleaning the Capital is a city-wide initiative that occurs every spring and fall. Residents volunteer to clean specific areas in their community with cleanup kits provided by the city. The GLAD Cleaning the Capital campaign is not-for-profit initiative and relies heavily on the generosity of sponsors who offer financial and in-kind support.
“It’s great to get a chance to join fellow residents of Chaperal and do our small part in cleaning up our community,” added Jarret Peterson, President of the Chaperal Residents’ Association. “It’s always nice to see Councillor Blais come out and participate, as it reminds us that we all have the interest of our community at heart.”
Cleaning the Capital is an exciting way for residents to foster community pride by cleaning up their parks, bus stops, woodlots, ravines, shorelines and pathways, while enjoying the outdoors and ensuring that Ottawa stays clean, green, and graffiti and litter-free.
“GLAD Cleaning the Capital is a fantastic program that helps unite a community in a common goal”, added Blais. “The simple altruistic act of participation has helped Cumberland Ward become a cleaner, safer and friendlier place.”
2017 marks the 24th year of the GLAD Cleaning the Capital campaign. Since 1994, over one million volunteers have collected and removed an estimated 930,000 kg of waste from public spaces.